If y’all were paying attention to the most recent software update, which in my case was Update 2024.44.25.2, you might have noticed that Tesla added an Apple Watch app. ‘Not A Tesla App‘ describes this new feature as follows:
“Tesla for Apple Watch allows you to pair your watch as a key and unlock and lock your vehicle without ever pressing a button – just like phone key. You can also see the state of your vehicle’s battery with a watch face complication and perform actions such as opening the frunk or trunk.”
Having spent a whole day testing the app, I can honestly say, this IS the best thing since apple pie, and you can quote me on that. But if you’re interested in trying this app out for yourself, I need to tell you a few things you’ll need to know.
First, it can be expensive! You need to buy a Tesla (40k and up). You also need an iPhone and an Apple Watch, but not just any old iPhone or Watch. Here’s exactly what you need, neither of which I had when I began this adventure. Here goes (assuming you already own a Tesla):
Your iPhone MUST support iOS 16.0 or later and your Apple Watch must support watchOS 9.0 or later. That said, I had a really old Apple Watch so decided to buy an Apple Watch SE on sale at Costco which set me back $220 (not a bad price for an Apple Watch). Then I realized the new Apple Watch wouldn’t work with my really old iPhone, so I ordered a refurbished iPhone SE Gen 3 from Walmart for $164 (not a bad price for an iPhone either). So now I have a watch and a phone that the Tesla app will actually work on – great! Just verify that the Tesla app version on your iPhone is 4.39.5 or later (mine is 4.40.0-3104 so I’m good in that department) and after that everything else is smooth sailing.
Within the Tesla app settings on your iPhone, just make sure ‘Show App on Apple Watch’ is checked on, and the app will appear on your watch. To check this setting, go into the Apple Watch app on your iPhone and chose the Tesla app.

This screen will appear to verify that the Tesla all will appear on your phone:

OK, so what is this actually good for, and why did I go to so much trouble and expense to get it working. First, you’ll always know the SOC (state of charge) of your Tesla. Good to know! Then select that ‘complication’ in the upper left of this particular watch face.

And you’ll get this screen. This gives you a few shortcut button’s (I’m still trying to figure out if I can change these – I probably can’t).

Roll the scroll wheel (aka digital crown) on your watch and you’ll get more shortcut buttons. The horn is the only one not displayed in the images below.

And at the bottom is your VIN, and software versions for your car and for the Tesla app on your phone.

But that’s not even the best part, nor why I went to all this trouble. I did it so I could use the Apple Watch to unlock and drive my car. And it works, really well. For now I’ll be turning off the ‘Phone Key’ option on all my smartphones to see just how well this Apple Watch thingy works.

Oh, and I’ll always be carrying my key card just in case. By the way, having a key card on you at all times is ALWAYS the best policy. Ask me how I know…
One more image. This is what your Tesla’s in-car display will show once it sees the Apple Watch app. I had to select ‘Reset Watch Key’ on my Apple Watch before this would work properly.

And now for a quiz: How many different key options are there for the Tesla models 3 and Y?
If you said 5, you’re pretty close.
There’s the key card you get a couple of when you bought your new car:

Then there’s the smartphone app which works great on an Apple iPhone or Android – just be sure to enable the ‘Phone Key’ option under ‘Security & Drivers’:

Next up is the Tesla Ring. CNICK is a good place to get one, though you can also get one from Aliexpress if you want to save a few bucks:

And now the Apple Watch:

And finally, the one I don’t own. A Tesla Key Fob for the low, low price of $175. This is SO cool! But I do think I have the key thing covered without it… four is enough.